I.T.I Resume for freshers

Resume for I.T.I freshers sample 1:   



Mobile: +91-9XXXXXXXXX   
Email: radhakrishnakarpurapu@gmail.com


ð  To work for an organization where I can grow as a professional in Technical field and get chance to hone my skills. Where employees are motivated and committed to fulfil the assigned task and get appreciation for the job and self development for further individual growth


ð  Two years I.T.I Electrician from S.C.R.COLLEGE  in year 2013 with 82% mark


ð  10th Passed from education Board of Secondary Education ANDHRA PRADESH in year 2011 with 85.8%mark


ð  Basic knowledge of computer
ð Microsoft office


ð  Fast learning and initiative with problem-solving skills.
ð  Good communication skills.
ð  Positive attitude.
ð  Punctuality.


ð  Name                          :        KARPURAPU RADHA KRISHNA
ð  Father’s Name              :        K.BUCHI BABU
ð  Date of Birth                :        15/04/1996                                             
ð  Marital Status               :        Unmarried
ð  Language Known           :        Telugu  & English
ð  Nationality                    :        India
ð  Salary Expected            :        Negotiable
ð  Present Address            :         D.No: 26-1/1,
                                           HIGH SCHOOL ROAD, VIJAYA BANK BESIDE,
                                           Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

  I hereby declare that all information are given above is best and true in my knowledge.





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Image result for TIPS OF JAM TOPICS


JAM is nothing but just a minute. It is session to talk about a particular topic for minute without having any grammar mistakes. While the candidate is speaking on a given topic, interviewer also tests he/she communication, behavior, smartness, way of presenting skills, confidence skills etc., while talking. candidate should speak on given topic without any repetition of sentences with good communication skills. In some of the interviews the interviewer will ask us to select a topic and talk for a minute. This is the very important session for the candidate to get good impression on them. Just a minute-JAM.JAM Topics, Latest JAM .

Below we has mentioned some just a minute-jam topics, go through it once:

Topics for Just a Minute (JAM):
  •  Literacy
  •  Education
  •  Women role in our country
  • Politics
  • Mobiles
  •  Corruption
  • Self confidence
  • Role Model
  •  Trees
  •  About your family
  •  Describe yourself
  •  Memorableday
  •  Review of a movie
  •  Social Networking
  •  Favorite sport
    All the above mentioned topics which we had mentioned are good for JAM to clear your round with good marks and you can secured good impression from interviewer.
  • Image result for TIPS OF JAM TOPICS
  • Jam is the main round in interviews. Many of the students will fail at Jam round, so here there are some maintips to follow:
    • The interviewer will observe your communication skills, the way you are spelling the word, so you should speak the sentences without having any mistakes.
    •  Try to avoid the repetition of sentences.
    •  If you have a chance to select a topic try to select a good topic that you know well.
    •  Try speaking the sentences in short and clearing way, don’t use complex sentences while speaking.
    •  You may have a chance to speak on your topic so prepare at least for 5 topics while attending an interview.
    •  Don’t speak too loudly, speak clearly audible to interviewer.
    •  You may have some grammar mistakes but it should exceed up to 5%, so try to not exceed it.
    •  The interviewer will also observe your dress code, be formally dressed while attending interview.
    •  One should maintain eye contact while talking to the interviewer.
    • Try to use ‘however’, ‘definitely’, ’actually’, ‘certainly’.
    •  Whatever you are speaking about the topic it should be simple, good and understandable to the interviewer.
    •  Don’t use ‘but’ and ‘hmm’ words while talking on a topic.
    •  Don’t give breaks while talking on a topic.
    •  Complete the topic on a given time; end the topic with suggestions or good conclusion.
    •  Don’t use negative words and don’t use religion related words while talking on topic. 
    • Conclusion should end with some words like hence, I conclude, Therefore, overall, in brief, in conclude that, etch.


Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.
Earth's climate is mostly influenced by the first 6 miles or so of the atmosphere which contains most of the matter making up the atmosphere. This is really a very thin layer if you think about it. In fact, if you were to view Earth from space, the principle part of the atmosphere would only be about as thick as the skin on an onion! Realizing this makes it more plausible to suppose that human beings can change the climate. 

Effects of Global Warming:

Public health impacts include injuries and deaths from heat waves; more intense storms, floods, and wildfires; more severe and frequent bad-air days; and changes in disease pathways and allergen potency. Discover how global warming impacts our health.
Climate change threatens crops, livestock, and fisheries owing to heat-induced declines in productivity, changes in rainfall timing and intensity, and shifts in the abundance and types of fish and pests. Learn about global warming effects on food.
Water use
A changing climate poses risks to the quality and supply of water for drinking, irrigation, shipping, and recreation. For example, rising seas can intrude into coastal groundwater used for drinking. Read about global warming effects on our water supply.
Climate impacts cost time and money by damaging critical infrastructure, disrupting economic activity, escalating medical expenses, losing work days, and requiring adaptations such as moving people out of harm's way. See how global warming affects the economy


smartphone is a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic feature phones.

Image result for SMART PHONES
Early smartphones typically combined the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), a media player, a digital camera, and/or a GPS navigation unit. Later smartphones include all of those plus the features of a touchscreen computer, including web browsing, Wi-Fi, and 3rd-party apps.
Currently, about 90% of handset sales worldwide are for devices driven by Google's Android and Apple's iOS mobile operating systems.
Smartphones have a higher web access speed with respect to the growth of 3G and 4G data networks. They have Wi-Fi support that allows a user to have access to the Internet within a given locality of Internet dispensation. Smartphones also have a special QWERTY keyboard that resemble a normal computer keyboard (Dhir, 2004). Smartphones act as ordinary phones that can send and receive short messages. 
However, what makes smartphones a little different from the ordinary phone is that a smart phone can synchronize with the organization of personal details and specifically a professional e-mail account. The phone has the ability to access other instant messaging services like AOL’s AIM, Whatsupp, Yahoo Messenger and many more services. These features make the smartphone smart. 
The technology surrounding smartphones and cell phones in general is changing constantly. This can make what constitutes a smartphone today to be different by the next week.


Image result for CORRUPTION IN INDIA

Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affects its economy. A study conducted by Transparency International in year 2005 found that more than 62% of Indians had firsthand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully.In its study conducted in year 2008, Transparency International reports about 40% of Indians had firsthand experience of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job done in public office.
In 2012 India has ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, tied with Benin, Colombia, Djibouti, Greece, Moldova, Mongolia, and Senegal.
Most of the largest sources of corruption in India are entitlement programmes and social spending schemes enacted by the Indian government. Examples include Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and National Rural Health Mission. Other daily sources of corruption include India's trucking industry which is forced to pay billions in bribes annually to numerous regulatory and police stops on its interstate highways.
Indian media has widely published allegations of corrupt Indian citizens stashing trillions of dollars in Swiss banks. Swiss authorities, however, deny these allegations.
The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated taxes and licensing systems, numerous government departments each with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers, monopoly by government controlled institutions on certain goods and services delivery, and the lack of transparent laws and processes. There are significant variations in level of corruption as well as in state government efforts to reduce corruption across India.


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Each year we celebrate International Women’s day on March 8th with a determination to commemorate the achievements of women, and to acknowledge the special status they deserve in society. The significant question is what difference has it made to the position of women? Have women become really strong, and have their long term struggles ended ?
Though women have progressed in a number of spheres, yet looking from a wider perspective, the situation remains grim. According to the statistics by CARE, out of 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, 70% are women. Reflecting on UNESCO’s medium term strategy 2008-13, gender equality has been assigned as organization’s global priority. Astonishingly, two third of the 774 million adults in the world who cannot read is women.
The context in the developing and third world countries is worse. Women here are still subject to ‘honor killings’, they are still denied their basic rights to education and freedom, and face violence and abuse. It was observed in a CARE project working with adolescent girls in India, that these girls were considered as temporary people who would cease to exist, at least for their fathers, once they are married. In many places in India, domestic violence is acceptable to women, and cultural and ethical implications are imposed on their freedom. What does that mean? It would be wrong to state that nothing has changed as a number of local, national and international organizations are working together to mitigate the problems, yet their is a long way to go.
Initiatives by NGOs like Jan Chetna Manch, Foundation to educate Girls Globally, The Hunger Project, STEPS Women Development Organization, in addition to the National Mission for the Empowerment of women(NMEW) launched by the Govt. of India are some significant steps towards the goal, and the 2011 Census have shown some improvements too. 


social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his social links, and a variety of additional services. Social networks are web-based services that allow individuals to create a public profile, to create a list of users with whom to share connections, and view and cross the connections within the system. 

Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Social network sites are varied and they incorporate new information and communication tools such as mobile connectivity, photo/video/sharing and blogging. 

Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, interests with people in their network.
Web-based social networking services make it possible to connect people who share interests and activities across political, economic, and geographic borders. Through e-mail and instant messaging, online communities are created where a gift economy and reciprocal altruism are encouraged through cooperation. Information is suited to a gift economy, as information is anonrival good and can be gifted at practically no cost.
Facebook and other social networking tools are increasingly the object of scholarly research. Scholars in many fields have begun to investigate the impact of social-networking sites, investigating how such sites may play into issues of identity, privacy,social capital, youth culture, and education.
Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for philanthropy. Such models provide a means for connecting otherwise fragmented industries and small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with interested users.Social networks are providing a different way for individuals to communicate digitally. These communities of hypertexts allow for the sharing of information and ideas, an old concept placed in a digital environment.


Image result for self confidence
Self-Confidence is that big thing without which you cannot achieve anything.
There are few questions you need to concentrate

a) How many times were you not able to converse with people you wanted to due to shyness and nervousness ?
b) How many times have you felt that you were left in a corner wondering what to do while  your friends get what they want ?
c) How many times have you felt sorry for yourself due to lack of confidence and watched helplessly while others moved forward ?

I hope now you believe that self-confidence can change your life faster than you can imagine.
Self-confidence is not too difficult to attain. It can be developed very easily. The primary reason
behind the lack of self-confidence is shyness. you need to be comfortable with yourself to come
out of your shell, called shyness, in which you have kept yourself locked up. The shyness in turn
is rooted in fear.

Faith is the other big thing you should develop. Faith is defined as a strong belief in something that
is beyond proof. If you don't believe in yourself, then it is impossible to believe in anybody else. Commitment, Courage and Hard Work are the qualities every person should develop in them. Commitment is the important factor for success of individuals. Commitment ignites action. It implies a pledge from you to a certain purpose. It signifies "Standing for Something" through determination and persistence.

Communication skills also plays a important role for self-confidence. Communication is all about conveying our messages to other people clearly and unambiguously. By effectively communicating our message across, we convey our thoughts and ideas effectively. If our communication is poor, the thoughts and ideas that we actually send across do not reflect what we really think.

Beyond all these qualities, it is love that binds us each other. "Love opens the most important gates. Love is the gate to all secrets of the universe. Every step that has been really gained in the world has been gained by love."

A combination of various noble qualities, i.e., faith, commitment, hard work, courage, communication skills and love all together builds self-confidence. It is not too difficult to attain. Self-Confidence can be easily learnt and built.



Since, we are living in a technological world where daily new developments, innovations are taking place, and to understand its modern technique through scientists and inventors, education plays a key role. And at least to understand this in an appropriate manner a politician must be educated to express his country's developments in other countries.

Having educational qualifications should not be the sole criterion for electing a leader. They should have good qualities to serve people. Hence having the right educational background and qualifications are important because education acts as a foundation for implementing policies. Only when people are aware of the problems can think of the solutions. 

So, potential candidates  should at least have a degree in fields that are relevant in the political arena. A politician must know the country's wealth and problems and get ready for facing upcoming situations.


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In India the literacy is still hovering around 74% on an average reaching above 90% in Kerala and below 75% in Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, etc. All efforts and success in literacy have become obliterated by huge rise in population.
Women population constitutes a larger portion of total illiterate population. In India, the female literacy rate is around 65 percent as against the male literacy rate of around 82 percent. Hence, women education is very important to eradicate illiteracy.
Illiteracy is maximum among Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and other backward classes who are not only poor, but unaware, unconcerned and unwilling to improve and change their lot. Illiteracy deprives people not only of economic development but also of all benefits of education, reading, writing, etc. remaining within the darkness of ignorance, poverty and impoverishes.
It is essential that the Government of India rises up to the occasion and take all possible steps to set up thousands of primary school all around the country making literacy and compulsory obligation of every citizen without which he will be penalized. For this the primary education has to be made free of tuition fees, all books and papers and instruments including computer to be supplied free.
Unless all citizens are literate or educated they cannot ever read newspaper, circulars, notices, advertisements, posters, and letters from near and dear ones. This will compel the illiterate masses to be deprived of 90% benefit of development, entertainment, sports and games, medical prescription, operate cell phone, T.V and computer.
Students are the builders of a nation. They can do a lot to eradicate illiteracy. They can spend their spare time and holidays in helping illiterate people to become literate, teaching them the habits of hygiene and sanitation.
A blind person cannot witness the captivating beauty of nature. Similarly, an illiterate person remains remains blindfolded to the charms of the world of learning and knowledge. If and when illiteracy will be removed completely, India will be a new country where 100% people can participate in all programs of economic development.
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