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JAM is nothing but just a minute. It is session to talk about a particular topic for minute without having any grammar mistakes. While the candidate is speaking on a given topic, interviewer also tests he/she communication, behavior, smartness, way of presenting skills, confidence skills etc., while talking. candidate should speak on given topic without any repetition of sentences with good communication skills. In some of the interviews the interviewer will ask us to select a topic and talk for a minute. This is the very important session for the candidate to get good impression on them. Just a minute-JAM.JAM Topics, Latest JAM .

Below we has mentioned some just a minute-jam topics, go through it once:

Topics for Just a Minute (JAM):
  •  Literacy
  •  Education
  •  Women role in our country
  • Politics
  • Mobiles
  •  Corruption
  • Self confidence
  • Role Model
  •  Trees
  •  About your family
  •  Describe yourself
  •  Memorableday
  •  Review of a movie
  •  Social Networking
  •  Favorite sport
    All the above mentioned topics which we had mentioned are good for JAM to clear your round with good marks and you can secured good impression from interviewer.
  • Image result for TIPS OF JAM TOPICS
  • Jam is the main round in interviews. Many of the students will fail at Jam round, so here there are some maintips to follow:
    • The interviewer will observe your communication skills, the way you are spelling the word, so you should speak the sentences without having any mistakes.
    •  Try to avoid the repetition of sentences.
    •  If you have a chance to select a topic try to select a good topic that you know well.
    •  Try speaking the sentences in short and clearing way, don’t use complex sentences while speaking.
    •  You may have a chance to speak on your topic so prepare at least for 5 topics while attending an interview.
    •  Don’t speak too loudly, speak clearly audible to interviewer.
    •  You may have some grammar mistakes but it should exceed up to 5%, so try to not exceed it.
    •  The interviewer will also observe your dress code, be formally dressed while attending interview.
    •  One should maintain eye contact while talking to the interviewer.
    • Try to use ‘however’, ‘definitely’, ’actually’, ‘certainly’.
    •  Whatever you are speaking about the topic it should be simple, good and understandable to the interviewer.
    •  Don’t use ‘but’ and ‘hmm’ words while talking on a topic.
    •  Don’t give breaks while talking on a topic.
    •  Complete the topic on a given time; end the topic with suggestions or good conclusion.
    •  Don’t use negative words and don’t use religion related words while talking on topic. 
    • Conclusion should end with some words like hence, I conclude, Therefore, overall, in brief, in conclude that, etch.

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


I am the founder of this blog if you like my tuts , follow me

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these jam topics sir. I have got extra topics now. I also got some topics for jam on https://phdstudytips.com/jam-topics


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