Current Topics

  • Are digital payments secure enough for the Indian economy to go cashless?
  • Ban 500, 1000 notes - Corruption Uprooted or just changing clothes!
  • Can we dream of hosting the Olympics?
  • Chinese Goods vs Indian Goods
  • Do we really need Smart Cities?
  • Economic growth is more important than Ecological protection
  • EQ or IQ
  • Extra curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
  • Facebook needs to clarify policies on content removal!
  • How demonetization is affecting common people more than black money holders?
  • How is Technology impacting the Banking sector?
  • Is compulsory attendance really needed in college?
  • Is it fair to spare political parties from income tax investigation?
  • Is the youth of India confident or confused?
  • Non-execution of GST bill might herald end of present government
  • One India One Election - Pros and Cons
  • PM's vision to make India a Manufacturing Hub - dream or a practical possibility?
  • Polythene bags must be banned!
  • Problems unite us, Religion divides us
  • Should Hindi be the official language of India?
  • Should national anthem be played in cinema halls?
  • Should we change the present system of education in our country?
  • Solution of corruption is a mirage till we catch top public figure
  • Will Reliance Jio be a sustainable business model in a country like India?
  • Youth in Politics

Economics & Business

  • Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?
  • How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
  • Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
  • Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
  • Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
  • Is the Consumer really the King in India?
  • Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
  • Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
  • Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
  • Is the Business of Business only Business?
  • Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
  • Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
  • How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
  • Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
  • Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
  • Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
  • Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
  • Advertising is a Waste of Resources
  • Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
  • Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
  • Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
  • Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
  • Technology Creates Income Disparities
  • In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
  • Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
  • Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
  • Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
  • Reforms have to grow up.
  • Globalization vs. Nationalism
  • Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
  • Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
  • Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
  • Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
  • What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
  • Trade can help the poor?
  • Water resources should be nationalised
  • Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
  • Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
  • Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
  • Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
  • Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
  • Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
  • Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
  • Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
  • Is Globalization Really Necessary?
  • What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
  • Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
  • Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
  • We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
  • Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
  • Should the public sector be privatized?

General Interest

  • Is India a Soft Nation?
  • Should Research on Human Cloning be banned?
  • Should Sting Operations be Carried Out?
  • Nuclear War cannot be won and should not be fought
  • Is Swapping Terrorists for Hostages an Encouragement to Plane-Hijackers?
  • Brain-Drain has to be stopped
  • Doctors' Accountability to Improve Health-Care
  • Universal Disarmament is a Must
  • Is India Aping the Western Obsession with Celebrities?
  • India at 60: A Senior Citizen?
  • Unrest in Countries around India
  • Flexi Timings or Fixed Timings - Which is better at Work?
  • Individual Brilliance Certainly makes a Difference
  • Is Paperless Office a Reality or Not?
  • Rules & Regulation Breed Corruption
  • Do NGOs in India Really Work for Others OR Work for their Own Vested Interests?
  • Science Is A Boon Or Bane
  • Should Animals be used for Testing New Drugs & Medical Procedures?
  • Security Cameras & Privacy
  • Advertisements Cheat People, Hence Should Be Banned
  • Borderless World: A Threat?
  • Borderless World: A Myth or Reality?
  • Secularism has become a Tool to Justify the Wrongs done by the Minorities
  • What is the Difference between People who do Things Rightly and People who do Right Things?
  • Corruption is a Necessary Evil for Success in Any Sphere
  • Beauty Pageants are a Must
  • How to Deal with International Terrorism?
  • Are Peace and Non-Violence Outdated Concepts?
  • Indian Army as a Career Option
  • Capital Punishment should be Banned or Allowed?
  • Is Dependence on Computers a Good Thing?

Management Topics

  • We Need More Entrepreneurs than Managers
  • Rise in MBA Salaries is Not Sustainable in the Long Run
  • Can One Contribute to the Social Sector while Being Employed in the Corporate World?
  • The Rush for MBA is really a Rush for Big Money
  • Will Mumbai's Film Industry ever evolve into a Truly Modern Corporative One?
  • Indians Perform Better as Individuals than in Groups/Teams
  • Positive Attitude and not Knowledge is required for Business Success
  • Are Ethics just Business Pretence?
  • Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion
  • Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life?
  • Family owned business vs. professionally run businesses
  • Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth.
  • Dot com or doubt com?
  • Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience
  • Management Education in India
  • Is Leaders Born or are they made in Business Schools?
  • Is Management an Art or a Science?
  • The objective of Management is to maximize profits
  • Should GD be Part of Campus Placements?
  • Role of Ethics in Business
  • Is Management Education Required for Business?
  • Whether Hard-Working or Smart-Working is Desirable?
  • Women are better at Multi-Tasking
  • Does Morality have an Essence in Corporate Life?
  • Retention of Employees
  • Do Women make Good Managers?
  • Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
  • The Salaries that MBAs Get is more than they deserve
  • Engineering Students are wasting their Time in Management Studies; they have Another Way to go
  • MBA in India is highly Over-rated

Creative Topics

  • A Ship Docked in Harbor cannot face the Storms
  • Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?
  • Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
  • Rules are Meant to be Broken
  • Food Comes First, Ethics Later
  • Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
  • There is No Right Way of Doing the Wrong Thing
  • Is Love Precious or Poisonous?
  • Is God Male?
  • Good Things Always Come from Good Thinking
  • In Today's World, Everything is Uncertain except Death & Taxes
  • Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus
  • Cleanliness is a Fundamental Responsibility of an Indian Citizen
  • A Person should not be too honest; Straight Trees are cut first
  • Nice Guys Finish Last
  • All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy
  • The Wheel is Turning Round and Round
  • If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister
  • Group Task: How can we have Mount Everest in India?
  • When I woke up in the morning I saw?
  • Up the Down Staircase
  • Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
  • The Nostradamus Code: World War III

Social Topics

  • Terrorism in India
  • Religion should not be mixed with politics
  • Should Smoking be Banned Completely?
  • Effects of Television on Youth
  • Love Marriages Vs Arranged Marriages
  • Are beauty contests degrading womanhood?
  • Films are corrupting the Indian Youth
  • Morals & Values among Indians is Degenerating
  • Censorship in Movies & Our Culture
  • Foreign Television Channels are Destroying Our Culture
  • With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour
  • Women are not fit for Defense Services
  • Women Empowerment - A Cause for Increasing Divorce Rate in India
  • Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.
  • Classical Music Heritage and the Growing Pop-Culture
  • Individual Freedom and Civil Society
  • Influence of Online Social Networks on our Youth
  • Is Remixing Good Trend in Music?
  • Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India.
  • Our Culture is Decaying
  • We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment
  • The education system needs serious reforms
  • The Internet is an exercise in hype
  • Marriage is a social trap


  • Should voters be given a NOTA (None Of The Above) choice?
  • Is our Political System Reason for our Backwardness?
  • Educational qualification for Politicians
  • Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment
  • Voters, not Political Parties, are Responsible for the Criminalization of Politics
  • Should We Pursue our Policy of Dialogue with Pakistan?
  • The Way Forward for India is to Join Hands with Pakistan on Nuclear Matters
  • Need for Good Leaders in India
  • Politics is run by the Barrel of Gun
  • Retirement Age for Politicians
  • Corruption is the Price we pay for Democracy
  • What India needs is a Dictatorship?
  • Value-based Politics is the Need of the Hour
  • Religion should not be mixed with Politics
  • Democracy is Hampering India's Progress
  • Should Tainted Ministers Allowed to Contest Elections?
  • Presidential v/s Parliamentary Form of Government in India
  • Reservations in the Private Sector
  • Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour
  • India should go for the presidential form of democracy


  • If Winning isn't everything, why do they Keep the Score?
  • Cricket in India has lost its Sheen
  • Is T20 Cricket killing Real Cricketing Skills?
  • Six Billion and One Bronze!
  • Are Cricketers to be blamed for Match Fixing?
  • Modern Day Sport in Industrialized Society is an Industry
  • Cricket as a National Obsession is a Detriment to Other Sports


  • Advantages of Co-education
  • Examinations - has it killed education
  • Do we really Need Education to be Successful?
  • Government Control in Higher Education is Interfering and Not Required
  • Privatization of Higher Education
  • Should the Government Set-up More IITs and IIMs, OR should it be use the Money for Primary & Secondary Education?
  • Foreign Universities in India
  • E-Learning: A Substitute for Classroom Learning?
  • Is Reservation in Higher Education Only Alternative for Social Equality?
  • Private Educational Institutions: Good or Bad
  • Should Management Education be subsidized?
  • How effective are Indian B-schools?

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


I am the founder of this blog if you like my tuts , follow me

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